14 July 2008

Frustration, Instability, and Longing

Chaos surrounds me. Really, I suppose it surrounds most people, most of the time, and especially now in this tumultuous economy of ours. I just found out I'm laid off "indefinitely," whatever the hell that means. Dealing with the unemployment agency has been a summer picnic, let me tell you (can you see the sarcasm dripping off the letters there?) and now I also need to find something to do to make ends meet while I finish college, monetarily ready or not. There's just no such thing as job security for the non-skilled laborer in today's economy. As such, it's time for me to become skilled and finish my Bachelor's. Maybe I can still register for the classes I need to take? I hope? Who knows, though. What will I even major in, specifically? Just History? What job will I get with that? I need to find out specifically and start building a resume. Secondary Education in Social Studies and put up with brat high school kids til I can get a Master's and move on to the collegiate level? Maybe.

It boils down to longing for the right life. I found it, and I can't wait any longer to get to it. I have a calling, a hero's calling, as Joseph Campbell would say, and that call must be answered. Do I sound somewhat crazy now? Yes, I realize that, and I feel it as well, but that could just be the massive quantity of caffeine in my system (note to self: one cup of coffee is plenty). Also I believe in and respect Joseph Campbell's words and feel thankful and privileged to experience exactly what he said humans experience at key moments of their lives. It's like the perfect mixture of fate, or destiny, intertwining with personal responsibility, capability, and ambition. We'll just have to see where it takes me. I know it'll be somewhere good. Agh, major caffeine headache, must go tend to it. Farewell for now.

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