22 June 2008

Politics Rant

Ron Paul's out of the race so right now I'm politically discouraged and I really don't care. Either way now, we're all screwed. McCain's a joke, he's pro just about everything that has destroyed our economy over the past eight years and people think he'll actually fix something? Do we really want to be at war with whomever our dictator feels like (Iran's time is coming, I've read), for the rest of the foreseeable future? No, thanks, I say. And don't even get me started on Obama. Universal healthcare = socialism, not capitalism. Furthermore, it's going to be worthless health care and only allow corporations who were capable of giving decent care to its employees to save even more cash for its CEO's holiday bonus checks. On top of that, Obama has changed stances on NAFTA after beating Hillary in the primaries (just to clarify Hillary is the anti-christ, so don't think I'm sticking up for her) and is also in favor of other bills that allow the sending of our jobs overseas. Just so he can get in a cheap kick to the ribs after we've all tripped and stumbled, he's going to pass a bill that signs $845 billion of our taxes straight to the United Nations. That's right, you read correctly, it's going straight to the United Nations, and we'll never see a penny of it go to this country. Check this out.

So, yeah, go ahead everyone, choose the lesser of two evils, if you can actually differentiate between them. Republican and Democrat are meaningless titles that only serve to separate the public. Both candidates are tools of a greater organization, and have met at the same private meetings. Both are members of the CFR (Council on Foreign Relations), whose stated goal is to dissolve national borders and create a one-world government. Both candidates are mere puppets made to dance for us on television screens for the next four and a half months until the American public picks one of them to run our country (into the ground). Check stuff out, don't believe me.

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